Career Library

Accounting, insurance and related business administrative occupations

This minor group comprises accounting, insurance and related business administrative occupations, including accounting technicians, bookkeepers, insurance adjusters, claims examiners, insurance underwriters, assessors, valuators, appraisers and customs, ship and other brokers. They are employed in claims departments of insurance companies and as independent adjusters; at head and branch offices of insurance companies; by government agencies, real estate firms and other private companies; by customs, ship and other brokerage establishments; and throughout the public and private sectors; or they may be self-employed.

12200 · Accounting technicians and bookkeepers
1 Job

Accounting technicians and bookkeepers maintain complete sets of books, keep records of accounts, verify the procedures used for recording financial transactions, and provide personal bookkeeping services. They are employed throughout the private and public sectors, or they may be self-employed.

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12201 · Insurance adjusters and claims examiners
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Insurance adjusters investigate insurance claims and determine the amount of loss or damages covered by insurance policies. They are employed in claims departments of insurance companies or as independent adjusters. Insurance claims examiners examine claims investigated by insurance adjusters and authorize payments. They are employed at head offices or branches of insurance companies.

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12202 · Insurance underwriters
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Insurance underwriters review and evaluate insurance applications to determine insurance risks, insurance premiums and extent of insurance coverage according to company policies. They are employed at head and branch offices of insurance companies.

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12203 · Assessors, business valuators and appraisers
0 Jobs

Assessors and appraisers determine the value of land, businesses, estates and other real property, for purposes of sale, purchase, taxation or disposal of assets. Appraisers also determine the value of personal and household items. Business valuators quantify the value of a business, its securities or its intangible assets. Assessors, business valuators and appraisers are employed by government agencies, real estate firms and other private companies, or they may be self-employed.

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This Employment Ontario project is funded in part by the Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario.

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