Toll Free: 1 (833) 575-0004
Local: 1-807-346-2940
Job Search Tools
Explore the region's largest job board, accessing multiple job sites all at once.
Browse full or partial work from home jobs across Ontario.
An interactive map that displays job postings alongside resources like daycare, transit, and more.
Create a professional quality resume quickly and easily.
Create a professional cover letter quickly and easily.
Career Development Tools
Find career paths and jobs related to your current experience.
Find locally available job and training opportunities.
Learn more about occupations, including regional demand and salary.
Measure the return on investment of upgrading your skills.
Community Data Tools
An online mapping tool that displays job posting concentration and a database of companies.
Geo-target talent attraction campaigns for hard to fill occupations.
Explore census data geographically, compare metrics, view aggregated data.
Learn more about industries and identify regional industry participants.
Reports & Analytics
A dynamic reporting tool that provides job demand and job search data.
Discover the skills, knowledge, & technology local employers recruiting for.
Explore in-depth reports and publications on workforce development, sector studies, and labour market analysis specific to North Superior.
Discover a curated list of external resources offering additional support for workforce development, employment services, and regional economic growth in North Superior.
Explore a podcast series on how skills upgrading and Literacy Northwest services can help your workplace and employees thrive in North Superior.
Meet the Team
Join Us
New to Northern Ontario? Connect with local business leaders and expand your network.
Looking to help a newcomer to the region build their network?
Search dozens of job boards at once with the largest job board in the region.
Find jobs, employment services, child care, transportation options and more near you.
Browse job from across Ontario that may be fully or partially work from home.
Find locally available job & training events.
Learn more about different occupations, including regional demand and salary expectations.
Explore census data geographically. Compare metrics or view aggregated data for regions in absolute terms or relative to other regions.
An online mapping tool that assists local employers, recruiting firms, and communities in geo-targeting talent attraction campaigns for hard to fill occupations.
Learn more about different industries, and identify regional industry participants.
A dynamic reporting tool that shows employer recruiting and job search behaviour data.
Who are the people looking for work, and what are they searching for?
What skills, knowledge, tools and technology are local employers recruiting for in job postings?