
WorkSCAPE (Skills, Careers, Assets, and Programs Explorer) Northwest

WorkSCAPE Northwest is a suite of labour market tools that provides an extensive representation of the labour market in the NSWPB region. It aggregates job postings from 25 sources along with a host of community resources, a career pathway explorer and more into one central location that the public can access. WorkSCAPE Northwest will simplify the way people look for work, while also enhancing knowledge of the local labour market by generating timely reports on labour supply and demand data.

Job Board

Finding the right jobs to apply to can be hard. WorkSCAPE Northwest makes it easier by performing the tedious work of searching through job banks for you. This aggregator tool scrapes 25 local, regional, provincial, and national job banks every hour and places them in one spot for jobseekers. Instead of competing with all the job posting sites, workSCAPE Northwest links back to the original, where job seekers can easily apply.

Jobs Map

The job itself is only one part of the job search. A number of other non-work factors play into a job seeker’s decision on where to work. That is why WorkSCAPE Northwest’s Jobs Map Tool takes the postings from the 25 job banks and shows you where they are on an interative map in relation to other important resources like daycare, transit, schools, housing, and more. This will allow job seekers access to an unprecedented amount of information to aid their job search.

Career Explorer

Many job seekers do not know how to get to their dream job. WorkSCAPE Northwest’s Career Explorer Tool helps by showing you the pathways between different jobs. Not only that, it provides information on typical duties, the skills and education required, as well as whether the job is in-demand locally, and what people tend to earn in each profession.

Talent Map

Sometimes the right talent just is not available locally and employers need to search elsewhere. WorkSCAPE Northwest’s Talent Map Tool makes it easier by showing which regions of Canada, the US, and five other countries have the highest concentration of workers in a specific field. Recruiters can now target their search to areas that are more likely to have the talent that they are looking for.

Sector Map

Knowing the employers in individual industries, or which companies hire for specific job types can help job seekers begin or advance their careers. WorkSCAPE Northwest’s Sector Map Tool provides this information for both NAICS and NOCs codes. Users can view an interactive map of where companies in certain sectors are located or see where jobs are concentrated via a heatmap.

Occupation Library

Learn more about different occupations, including regional demand and salary expectations. You can explore different occupations, browse current and historical occupations that are in demand in the region. The National Occupational Classification (NOC) is Canada’s national system for describing occupations. Learn more about NOC system.


WorkSCAPE Northwest’s Job Portal helps job seekers discover the pathways to their dream job and provides valuable information about the duties, skills, education, and earning potential of various professions. This job portal also allows employers to view the activity on their posted jobs, who follows their company on the portal and what the activity level within their sectors compared to other businesses is. With features such as resume builders, job alerts, and career resources, WorkSCAPE Northwest’s Job Portal is a comprehensive tool that assists job seekers in their job search journey.

Resume Builder

WorkSCAPE Northwest’s Resume Builder tool helps job seekers create a professional and well-formatted resume, a crucial step in achieving their dream job. With a selection of templates and design options, as well as the ability to input their own information, this tool generates a finished resume that can be downloaded or printed.


This Employment Ontario project is funded in part by the Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario.

Help Us Serve You Better

We are collecting data to better understand who is looking for work and what kind of opportunities jobseekers are searching for. This data is completely anonymous and non-personally identifiable.

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