Career Library

Transport drivers, operators and labourers

This sub-major group comprises transport drivers, operators and labourers, including taxi and personal service and delivery service drivers, and water and rail transport operators and labourers and related occupations.

7520 · Taxi, personal service and delivery service drivers
12 Jobs

This minor group comprises taxi, personal service and delivery service drivers, including taxi and limousine drivers and chauffeurs, and delivery service drivers and door-to-door distributors. They are employed by taxi and other transportation service companies; retail, food and other personal service businesses, governments; private individuals and families; and many other establishments; or they may be self-employed.

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7521 · Water and rail transport operators and labourers and related occupations
0 Jobs

This minor group comprises water and rail transport operators and labourers and related occupations, including boat and cable ferry operators and related occupations; railway and motor transport labourers; and public works and maintenance labourers. They are employed by public works departments in all levels of government; private contractors under contract to governments; and railway and water transport companies.

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This Employment Ontario project is funded in part by the Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario.

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