Human Capital Series – Thunder Bay District
August 29, 2019
The final reports from the updated Northern Projections: Human Capital Series have been released. These reports explore demographic and labour market trends as well as projections into the future of Northern Ontario, specifically in the districts of Kenora, Thunder Bay and Rainy River.
The purpose of this report is to analyze demographic and labour market trends in Northwestern Ontario and the Thunder Bay District. Both past and current trends are examined, as well as future projections.
This report is an update to a previous report published in 2017 but with updated information using 2016 census data, as well as additional sections including sector-specific projections for future labour market demand.
The report offers three key recommendations to promote the long-term sustainability of the district:
1. Reverse the trends.
2. Continue to foster female participation in the labour force
3. Make indigenous education the number one priority in the region
Visit the Northern Policy Institute website for the full Human Capital Series.