Resilient Communities (OTF)
Resilient Communities Funding for Not-For-Profits
The North Superior Workforce Planning Board (NSWPB) is excited to announce that we have received OTF Resilient Communities funding that helps support Not-For-Profits to recover and rebuild after the impacts of COVID-19 in order to effectively meet the needs of communities. With OTF funds, NSWPB has hired a Digital Platform Specialist for 12 months to assist in navigating technological tools and adapting programming, consultations, and engagement events online for digital delivery.
COVID-19 created an employment crisis that drastically increased demand for employment services, but mandated closures and gathering limits, moved meetings online or postponed events indefinitely. To address the increased demand, NSWPB brought together a Workforce Recovery Team (WRT) to explore ways to help workers and businesses recover from the negative impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and help the region’s workforce development organizations collectively navigate the post-pandemic landscape.
Through discussions, it was recognized that in-person collaboration, engagement, and events would be significantly limited for some time. Shifting to digital programming was identified as a critical step to continue delivering employment and training programs and services.
The challenge is making this transition without expertise or support. Some Not-for-Profits struggle to adapt to digital programming due to their limited capacity to learn and work with the platforms, while still meeting project deliverables.
Having a Digital Platform Specialist to guide us and having the ability to share this resource with community partners presents an incredible opportunity to re-imagine and coordinate workforce development programs and services in Northwestern Ontario. Building this capacity will allow NSWPB and our partners to be resilient, rebuild and recover, restore connections, harmonize program delivery, and continue delivering our mission during and after COVID-19.
For more information, please contact Vishal Pinto, Digital Platform Specialist, at
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