
Looking for information about apprenticeship in northwestern Ontario? You’ve come to the right place.

The Thunder Bay Apprenticeship Hub is the one-stop shop for information on apprenticeship for employers, apprentices and aspiring apprentices, educators and parents. Here you’ll find general information, our Dollars & Sense Guide to financial supports, job opportunities, and more.

Navigating the apprenticeship system can seem confusing. We’re here to help. Click the links below to access our resources, and check back regularly as we update this site with more information.

Apprenticeship Initiatives

The LEPC, in partnership with local industry, unions, businesses and education facilities, recognizes that there are unique issues that are facing apprenticeships in Northern Ontario. Through research and consultation, the LEPC has moved forward with several initiatives including the creation of an apprenticeship consortium guide, a trades report, and a marketing campaign to promote apprenticeship as a viable career option for young people.

Our Promotional Campaign

Attitudes are changing in relation to the trades as a career but this is not translating into active promotion of the trades as a career choice for young people among parents, educators and peers. Encouraging parents and educators to become advocates for the trades offers an opportunity to enhance labour market efficiency in the region. In response to this challenge, the LEPC is conducting a marketing campaign to promote parental awareness and comfort with the trades and apprenticeships as a viable career and post-secondary education option for young people.

“Live Life Hands On” Poster

“Live Life Hands On” Promotional Videos


This Employment Ontario project is funded in part by the Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario.

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